|How to Write Poetry|How to Read Poetry|
Poetry Analysis|Poets/Poetry|Misc.Links
NOTE: This page is under construction right now (March, 9, 2018) Some links do not work/have moved; and, I am updating this now.
This site uses audio, video and images to teach this poetic form
Reading Poetry
How to read a poem
Reading Poetry Aloud
A Checklist for Reading Poetry
Suggestions for Reading Poetry
IPL Literary Criticisms
this is an excellent site for biographical and
critical information on authors; contains over 4000 criticisms
Poetry Analysis
More tips for poetry analysis
Book Rags' "How to Analyze a Poem"
Critical Reading of poetry
How to analyze a poem, by Josefina
One Hundred Canadian Poets
Poetry Today - online
Poetry Daily
The Academy of American Poets
-this is an excellent site that includes information on American poets,
featured articles and a listening booth where students can listen to poets
recite their poetry.
Check out their Poem of the Day, send poetry postcards,
find the 100 greatest poems ever written as well as the
50 greatest love poems ever written, listen to audio clips of poetry
Sonnets Central
Ssonnets can be accessed
alphabetically or by author.
American Verse Project
19th century American poetry
Digital Dante
integrates (or will integrate) multimedia,
as well as hyperlinked text commentary and
other materials into Dante's works
History of writing- concrete poetry history
Bibliography for Is it a book?
Favorite Poems
Listen to poets read their favorite poems
Your students can get into the act by submitting
their favorite poems which will be considered
for video or audio inclusion on this site
Poetry and Literature Center of
the Library of Congress
This is a poetry-a-day project for
American high school students.
Seattle Poetry Festival USA
Austin International Poetry Festival USA
Los Angeles Poetry Festival USA
Robert Frost Poetry Festival USA
The Skagit River Poetry Festival USA
Carrboro Poetry Festival USA
Canadian Festival of Spoken Word Canada
West Coast Poetry Festival Canada
Montreal Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival Canada
Victoria Literary Arts Festival Canada
Ottawa International Writers Festival Canada
Banff-Calgary International Writers Festival (WordFest) Canada
Vancouver International Writers and Readers Festival Canada
Poetry presenting significant contemporary poets since 1912.
Kenyon Review publishes a broad spectrum of new poetry from
around the world, including new voices as well as established poets
and literary criticism.
Contemporary Poetry Review - online journal devoted
exclusively to the crticism of poetry.
Keats-Shelley Journal - annual publication from the Keats-Shelley
Association of America.
Nimrod International Journal of Prose & Poetry
published at the University of Tulsa.
Paintbrush: A Journal of Poetry and Translation
international journal that also awards the Ezra Pound Poetry Prize and the
Richard Eberhart Poetry Prize.
New American Writing - literary magazine emphasizing contemporary
American poetry. Edited by Paul Hoover and Maxine Chernoff.
Poetry Miscellany - journal that also sponsors a chap book series, a
slovene literature journal, a workshop series, cultural exchange and other activities.
English Teaching in the UK- a good general forum for English teachers
with many links to sites recommended by the National Grid for Learning
National Association for the Teaching of English – resources,
news and reviews
AQA site for specifications and materials relating to their popular English / Literature
'A' specifications
Plain English Campaign useful and sometimes humorous – check out
the examples of plain English and gobbledegook!